Welcome to the Stony Point Community!
Compiled by Joanne Norford
Stony Point is located in northern eastern corner of Albemarle County on Route 20.
It is nestled between Preddy Creek/Rivanna River and the Southwest Mountains.
Stony Point is centered around these four institutions:
- Stony Point Elementary School; 3893 Stony Point Rd; 434-973-6405; PreK – 5th https://spes.k12albemarle.org/
- Stony Point Market; 4370 Stony Point Rd; family-owned business serving sandwiches, burgers, locally brewed beer & wine, homemade desserts, etc. Live music every Friday night with local musicians. https://www.thestonypointmarket.com/
- Stony Point Ruritan Club; 2835 Watts Passage; community service organization whose slogan is “Fellowship, Goodwill, & Community Service.” Building is also available for rentals. The meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30. https://www.facebook.com/p/Stony-Point-Ruritan-Club-100064769646286/
- Stony Point Volunteer Fire Department; 3827 Stony Point Rd; 434-973-7733. https://spvfc.org
- New resident information: https://www.albemarle.org/community/new-resident-guide
- Stony Point is part of the RIVANNA DISTRICT of Albemarle County
- PROPERTY TAXES are due in June and December.
- POLLING PLACE: Stony Point Elementary
- DMV (full service): 2055 Abbey Rd (Charlottesville)
- DMV SELECT (few services but shorter lines): 12403 James Madison Highway (Orange); 23 Washington Circle (Madison).
- PUBLIC TRANSIT is JAUNT by reservation only https://ridejaunt.org/
- ELECTRIC UTILITIES: Central VA Cooperative, Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, or Dominion Virginia Power (you will be serviced by ONE of these companies)
- INTERNET: Brightspeed; other fiber optic cable available soon!
- TRASH: several private waste disposal haulers/recyclers are available; you may also haul your trash to the Ivy Material Utilization Center for a fee.
- RECYCLING can be taken to the McIntire Recycling Center https://www.rivanna.org/mcintire-recycling-center/
- FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE; Albemarle County Social Services; 434-972-4010 https://www.albemarle.org/government/human-services/social-services/financial-assistance
- Stony Point Website – stonypointcommunity.com
- 5285 Barboursville Community Center Dr; Barboursville, VA 22923
- 1155 Seminole Trail, Charlottesville, VA 22906 (MAIN Post Office)
- Boys Scouts of America; Troop 93 (boys) and Troop 193 (girls) are chartered by the Stony Point Ruritan. Boy and girls ages 11-17 are welcome! https://www.facebook.com/Troop93Charlottesville/
- Fernbrook Natural Area; Burnt Mill Rd; NOTE: dogs are not allowed. https://www.nature.org/en-us/get-involved/how-to-help/places-we-protect/fernbrook-natural-area/
- Key West Swim & Tennis Club; 393 Key West Dr; https://www.keywestclub.org/
- Preddy Creek Trail Park; 3690 Burnley Station Rd; mountain biking, hiking, horseback riding; dogs allowed. https://www.albemarle.org/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/57/360
- Stony Point Elementary; 3893 Stony Point Rd; https://spes.k12albemarle.org/
- Lakeside Middle School; 2801 Powell Creek Dr; https://lakeside.k12albemarle.org/
- Jackson P Burley Middle School; 901 Rose Hill Dr; https://bms.k12albemarle.org/
- Albemarle High School; 2775 Hydraulic Rd; https://ahs.k12albemarle.org/
- Monticello High School; 1400 Independence Way; https://mohs.k12albemarle.org/
- Community Lab School of Albemarle Co.; 1200 Forest St; https://cls.k12albemarle.org/
- All Saints Episcopal Chapel; 3929 Stony Point Rd; services held twice monthly; mission church of Grace Episcopal Church (Cismont). https://www.gracekeswick.org/all-saints-chapel
- Chapman Grove Baptist; 2064 Stony Point Rd; 434-977-5080 https://www.chapmangrove.net
- Eden Ministries; 2900 Merrie Meadows Ln; 434-973-4068; https://www.eden-ministries.com/
- Free Union Baptist Church; 3608 Brook Mill Ln; 434-974-7748
- Lighthouse Baptist Temple; 3468 Gilbert Station Rd; 434-760-5740 https://lighthousebaptisttemple.org/
- Piedmont Christian Church; 4198 Stony Point Rd; 434-973-9141
- Preddy Creek Baptist Church; 4394 Stony Point Rd; 434-964-1702
- Blue Ridge Area Food Bank; 1207 Harris St; Charlottesville, VA 22903; 434-296-3663 https://www.brafb.org/
- Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry; 2050 Lambs Rd; Charlottesville, VA 22901; 434-996-7868 https://cvillefoodpantry.org/
- Several Charlottesville churches also have food pantries.
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